Viagra Without Prescription or with Prescription? Revealed Here

viagra without a prescription

Do You Need a Prescription for Viagra?

There are many legal as well as safety reasons for needing a prescription for Viagra medication. Viagra is a prescription-only medication. It can be sold legally to you if you have a doctor’s prescription or have been assessed by any doctor online. The over-the-counter medication contains the same active ingredient. 

But it is safe as well as legal to sell it without a prescription first.  You still require assessment before you buy Viagra online without a prescription. It is crucial for a doctor to check your personal health conditions when you order it. A pharmacist can also check if you are buying it from a medical store. you can take sildenafil tablet 120mg to cure ED effectively.

The reason is there could be some reasons why this medication is not safe for you. It is very important that you are assessed by a certified healthcare professional. Assessment will depend on your medical history and other medicines you have taken in the past or are currently taking.

Is a Prescription-Only Viagra Similar to a Non-Prescription One?

viagra without a doctor prescription usa

The quality of Viagra medicine will be the same irrespective of if you are buying it in person with a doctor’s prescription or online with a prescription. Both medicines will contain a similar active ingredient which is Sildenafil Citrate. 

How effective is the medication, what it will do to your body, how safe it is, and what are the possible side effects- all will be the same in both the prescription and non-prescription medicine. If there lies any difference in quality it will be coming from buying it from a seller or a service that was never properly licensed or well-regulated.

What Is the Prescription-Free Alternative to Viagra?

what is prescription

Viagra is one such over-the-counter ED treatment that is available without any prescription. All other medicines used for treating erectile dysfunction can also be purchased online without a prescription first similar to Viagra. 

Even though these treatments are prescription only, you will not require any physical prescription. You will need a proper assessment for your doctor and you get it online. Other ED pills will include:

  • Cialis: Active ingredient, Tadalafil
  • Levitra: Active ingredient, Vardenafil

Some ED treatments that will never involve any prescription medications but can improve your condition are:

  • Changing your lifestyles: Improve diet, exercise more, quit smoking
  • Counseling: It will aid you with anxiety as well as emotional issues that are leading to ED. Contact your doctor for further help.

How to Buy Viagra Without a Prescription?

how to buy viagra without a prescription

You can order Viagra with no prescription from a reliable online pharmacy. The available doses of Viagra are 50mg, 100mg, or 200mg one time daily.

  1. A dosage of 100mg: It is the standard dosage and the ideal one if you are taking Viagra for the first time.
  2. A dosage of 50mg: If you have tried a 100mg dosage, and got the desired result but also faced a few side effects, then 50mg is the best one for you. It will work well but it can decrease the chance of getting affected by side effects.
  3. A dosage of 200mg: If you have tried a dosage of 100mg and did not face any side effects, but the drug did not work effectively, then a 200mg dosage will be perfect for you.

The maximum prescribed daily dosage of Viagra without prescription medication is 50mg pills one time daily. You can also buy Viagra online without a prescription from a local medical store. But you need to go through a personal assessment with a pharmacist or fill out a small form first. 

The pharmacist will not physically examine you or ask you any personal questions related to your love life. They will be asking you some general questions about your present and past medications and your health. He will do it to check if no prescription Viagra is the right medication for you.

How can you get Viagra without a prescription online?

Get Viagra without a prescription online

Yes, you will be able to order Viagra online with no prior prescription, but you should be careful about where to buy Viagra without a prescription. You should find the correct website. There are many retailers online that will offer the option of buying Viagra but some of them are not licensed or do not sell FDA-approved medications.

It means that you will not be checked safely by a doctor and then the medication that you will be supplied will be harmful to your health. So before you buy any medicine online, you should always check if the service that you are using is approved by the medical council. 

Always be aware of those websites that claim that they sell Viagra that will increase the size of an individual’s male organ, cause penile erections directly or the medication can be purchased without any test first. If an online store advertises any medication with such false claims, then it is very obvious that they are unsafe and illegitimate.

Are You Aware of Female Viagra Medication?

Aware of Female Viagra

Female Viagra also contains Sildenafil citrate, the active ingredient. It helpfully prepares women to have energetic and enthusiastic sex. The right moment to take this restorative pill is half an hour to 60 minutes before lovemaking. It may remain persistently effective in women’s vaginas for 5 hours maximum after you take it. 

These pills enhance sensual excitement by lubricating the vaginas. It will help them in enjoying an energetic encounter. Any recommended pharmaceutical prescription may have some unique and changing side effects. Similarly, a prescription-only female Viagra has some side effects. It will be producing different effects from one woman to another. 

Take one recommended tablet every day before lovemaking. If you experience sudden, undesirable serious side effects, tell your doctor right away. There are some very common adverse side effects. They are repeated stomach problems, poor vision, headache, hearing issues, nasal blockage, and nausea.


Safety Information Regarding Viagra No Prescription Medication

Safety Information Regarding Viagra

Having a great idea about the dosage of Viagra’s no-prescription medication is also important because a higher dose of this medication will cause some side effects similar to its prescription-only medication. 

What is safe for another person might not necessarily suit you too. Hence this medication should not be consumed without proper guidance from a doctor as it carries a lot of side effects. So before you buy it you should know that some side effects such as headache, vomiting, stomach upset as well as nausea, pain along with a burning sensation in the chest, and blurring of vision.

These side effects appear initially and go away with daily intake. If the side effects persist and conditions become worse then get in touch with your doctor immediately. To make sure it is safe always let your doctor be aware of your present and past medication and your health issues.

You should be aware of the precautions like you should not be allergic to any of the ingredients present in the medicine and you should take it only once a day. If any allergic reaction such as skin rash, breathing problem, or swelling of the face, lips, throat, and tongue occurs then get medical help immediately. Let your doctor know about any worsening symptoms like mood or behavior change, panic attacks, sleeping trouble, anxiety, irritation, restlessness, depression, or suicidal thoughts.

If you have heart problems or liver and kidney disease, you should consult a doctor before you buy Viagra without a doctor’s prescription USA to treat erectile dysfunction. People with bipolar disorder, high cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, and thyroid disorder should always consult a doctor before they order Viagra without a prescription. 

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid taking this medication. Thus you can have a great sexual life by getting rid of erectile dysfunction once you order it online from any local or online pharmacy and use it at least once every day. In the worst case, if you are a normal, sexually active man it can cause impotence.

Does Viagra No Prescription Cause Interactions?

Viagra no prescription cause interactions

If you take more than one medication or mix them with some food or beverage, you are always at risk of a drug interaction.

  • Interaction with Alcohol

Viagra no prescription medication should not be taken with alcohol as it will cause moderate interaction and complications. Its active ingredient can cause a lowering of blood pressure and combined with alcohol this effect may be increased further. You will more likely experience symptoms like dizziness, headache, fainting, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, and flushing. 

You should always try to keep the amount of alcohol intake very less as it has a tendency of interfering with the working mechanism of the medication. Be cautious when you get up from a sitting or lying position.

  • Interaction with Medicine

If a medication contains nitrate as its active ingredient then Viagra’s no prescription will not interact well with it. You should also avoid blood clogging and thinner. Medications that are used for reducing blood pressure should be avoided. Always let your doctor know about your past and present medical health along with medications including all the vitamins as well as herbs that you use in order to avoid any complications. Do not quit any medication without informing your doctor.

  • Interaction with Food

Always remember to avoid drinking grapefruit juice and consuming grapefruits in large quantities when you are under this medication. Grapefruit juice consumption may interfere with the medicine’s working mechanism inside the body by raising sildenafil levels in your body. 

There may be a delay in the desired effect or it may not take place. Take medical help regarding this before you start with this medication. Patients taking this medication should always avoid food that is saturated in high fats because it will delay the medication’s effect.

  • Interaction with Disease

Viagra no prescription never interacts well with individuals who have gone through coronary artery bypass surgery or are affected by coronary diseases as well as fluctuation in blood pressure. This medication may cause visual impairments temporarily. Inform a doctor if you are affected by any of the above-mentioned conditions. Other than this, it also reacts with other diseases such as liver disease, seizure disorder, renal dysfunction, and hearing loss.


Can You Get Viagra Without a Prescription?

Yes, you can buy Viagra without a prescription as the prescription is included as a part of the online procedure. You can also order Viagra without a doctor’s prescription in Canada, a non-prescription and over-the-counter medication.

Where Can You Buy Viagra Online?

If you wish to buy Viagra online without a prescription, some reliable online services are safe and also convenient options. Look out for stores offering authentic medicines and having registered doctors. Also, check out reviews of patients who have used their service previously. To start your online order follow the below-mentioned steps:

Fill in a questionnaire

Select a preferred treatment such as Viagra

Place the order

A doctor will review your submitted details and approve the treatment if it is perfect for you

Can You Walk into a Medical Store and Buy Female Viagra Without a Prescription First?

You might think “do you need a prescription for female Viagra?” The answer to this is you can never buy it without a prescription from a pharmacy. But you can go to a pharmacy and get assessed for Viagra medication. You will still require a face-to-face assessment with a pharmacist. Viagra is the only ED treatment you can avail of by visiting a pharmacy. If the pharmacist agrees then you can buy Viagra with no prescription then only for a female.

Viagra is a great medication to treat male impotence. It is illegal to buy or sell it in some countries. It is also sold as a prescription medication online. If you wish to get rid of male disorder quickly then it might work for you. But because of the various side effects attached to it, it might not be worth taking the risk of buying it without a prescription, or without proper medical guidance from a doctor.
