Is It Safe to Combine Cialis with Alcohol? Discover It Here!

Cialis and Alcohol

Cialis is quite a popular pill specifically used for erectile dysfunction among men. By improving sexual vigor, this medicine helps in solving the issue of erectile dysfunction and treating the difficulty in maintaining an erection. It’s a safe drug though, but one needs to consider the effects of beverages & drinks while taking it along with Cialis. Yes, we are talking here about Cialis and alcohol. Many men take medication like tadalafil 40 mg to treat ED

A number of questions might trouble you when you think about taking Cialis and alcohol together. Can you take both? If yes, then what quantity would be safe? We will put forward all the answers to satiate your queries regarding Cialis and alcohol.

Can You Drink Alcohol with Cialis?

Drink Alcohol with Cialis

Life is not short of events. Parties are inseparable from it and so are the alcoholic moments. Then the question becomes obvious can you drink alcohol with Cialis? Let’s gauge the reality!

You surely need to take care of Cialis’s side effects with alcohol. At the very first, let us clear for you, yes, alcohol does impact adversely if you are already taking Cialis. Excessive drinking can set you towards countless issues, such as orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, headache, fainting, and many more besides some heart issues.

Why Is It So Dangerous?

Cialis with Alcohol why It's So Dangerous

The reason is alcohol and Cialis act as vasodilators that relax the blood vessel walls to let them open wider and lower the blood pressure. The chances of fetching Orthostatic hypotension are quite high when you take both of these because Cialis stays for a more time period comparing other drugs available for the same purpose. 

As it hikes up the blood pressure level, so, the dangers for the body augment on a larger scale than ever before. So, Cialis alcohol interaction can leave adverse bearings on your body beyond any doubt.

Does It Mean, You Can’t Ever Take Alcohol Along with Cialis?

No! It doesn’t mean so. You can take alcohol in less quantity like one glass of drink would affect your body much. Even moderate drinking like less than three glasses a day will not affect you adversely. Plus, it depends on your drink as well as what amount is considered moderate and what would be excessive drinking. So, keep it low, if you want to stay out of the dangers of health issues. Cialis hangover can trouble you, so keep the quantity low.

How Long Does Cialis Stay in Your System?

How Long Cialis work

On average, this drug stays in the system for about 36 hours. Comparing all other drugs, this one stays for a longer time and bestows longer impacts.

But this calculation is on an average basis. There are several other factors that decide Cialis’s time period to stay within the body. Besides the physiology of every person is different, so, these factors might impact the time span of this drug to remain active within your system.

If you want to know how long it takes Cialis to work, then let us clear you, this drug quickly starts working within the body. Usually, it starts affecting in half to one hour in the body after taking one dose. So, almost in an hour, you start experiencing its impact.

Is Cialis Stopped Working?

Is Cialis Stopped Working

It’s often the case that people complain about Cialis that it doesn’t work properly. Yes, it might happen, but only with 20% of people. However, this fact can’t be denied that it’s a more effective treatment. So, would you face this issue in the future if Cialis is not working for you?

Certainly not, if you use it properly. Inadequate trials might make you feel that Cialis stopped working. Plus, the important point to consider here is you will not get instant results after the first dosage. You need to first take 8-10 doses at least, to decide whether it’s working or not. Here are some points you need to consider for the best results.

Consistency is a must for its proper impact on the body, so take it on a daily basis as prescribed by the doctor to you. Take it on an empty stomach with a gap of one or two hours before sexual intercourse.

The dosage would be completely based on your health condition and the severity of erectile dysfunction. So, meet the doctor first to know about the dosage. Younger or healthier men need a low dosage, that is, cialis tablet 5 mg comparing obese, diabetic, men with higher blood pressure.

It is generally a misperception that Cialis doesn’t work. Instead, after its usage, you will find it worthy and completely working to treat erectile dysfunction.


On the whole, Cialis is quite an effective drug, and taking one or two glasses of drink with Cialis is not dangerous at all. You can limit your drinks to this number to take benefits of Cialis. For more related updates, keep on visiting us.
