How to Maintain an Erection?

maintain an erection without pills

“Sex is an emotion in motion.” Yet many guys are unable to express it thoroughly due to the inability to erect a penis. Erectile Dysfunction is common these days among men who cannot initiate the insertion process, leaving their partner unsatisfied in bed. People now and then look for solutions on how to maintain an Erection for great sex life as erectile dysfunction not only ruins the sexual satisfaction of both the partners but also personal relationships.

Putting you forward to all about how to protect or maintain your erection? This text will help you to maintain a harder erection.

How to Maintain an Erection Without Pills

There are times when issues like erectile dysfunction can ruin relationships and mental health followed by dissatisfaction. The fire that is needed incompatibility is lacking due to the soft penis which fails to achieve an erection.

One must never lose hope and have a positive outlook as erectile dysfunction is a common problem in men and with the advancement in medical science people can easily maintain an erection with the help of medication which keeps the erection strong for a longer period of time so that people can have a normal sexual life. There are many other ways that can improve and maintain an erection without pills.

Fret not guys! Fixing the flaccid penis is not that tough and achieving a completely erect penis like never before is just a few medications, remedies, and physical activities away. Be patient and have faith.

How to maintain an erection

Keeping an erection without pills is as easy as pie

Why depend on pills when a person can maintain an erection naturally. There are many ways to get rid of the deflated penis and get hard as a rock. From numerous physical activities to super-foods and home remedies all these hacks absolutely got you covered.

* Physical activities:

In terms of intercourse, the aim of physical activities is to regulate the blood flow in the system and enhance flexibility for superb sex. The best way to enhance your sexual self along with your mind, body, and soul is through yoga. Yoga and Sex are somehow connected to one another. Both sex and yoga contribute to the hormonal balance, the awakening of the inner self, the release of energy, and a happy soul.

The benefits of yoga in terms of sex are massive. Practicing this ancient art each day strengthens the muscle making the body strong and flexible. Asian-like Lotus position or Padmasana, Mula bandha, and Dhanurasana regulate the flow of blood directly to the groin area to improve deflated penis.

Apart from yoga, physical activities like exercises, pilates, running, swimming, and other forms of aerobic exercise have been shown to help prevent ED.

* Super-foods are saviors:

The vanity contains many eatables that not only enhance the overall health of the body but also boost sex power. Fruits with high water content and citrus-like lemon, watermelon, oranges, and berries prevent the softening of the penis which means these fruits will eliminate the chances of impotence.

Whereas spices like ginger, garlic, and cinnamon will enhance the blood circulation in every corner of the body promoting high flow down there to improve deflated penis. All the super-foods mentioned will boost the sex drive and also help to maintain the erection strong naturally.

* Oils to the rescue:

Massage is the best way to activate the rush of blood all over the body. The blood circulates evenly carrying oxygen to every organ. With the usage of therapeutic oils and homemade packs. The condition down there will improve and getting hard won’t be that hard. Therapeutic oils to enhance sex drive. To know more about such aromatic oils click the link: What are essential oils (aromatic oils), and do they work?

The ancient technique of massage is known to open and active the organs by intensifying the circulation of blood all over the body is still come in use for optimum results. Massaging with the help of therapeutic oils for some time can actually improve the condition don their making the penis hard and healthy.

Other than that having a healthy lifestyle is a must with good habits like ditching alcohol and nicotine. This will improve the quality of semen and ease the ejaculation process. So guys with so many options you can easily get hard and achieve a great erection with or without medications to have a great sex life.

“Everything is good if it’s natural” Pills are better for instant use but depending upon them isn’t great for the long run. Maintaining an erection without pills won’t only fix the soft penis but also improve overall health. Apart from the above-mentioned natural ways to maintain an erection and have proper ejaculation a person must take precautions from their side as well. Things to keep in mind are –

* Have a good lifestyle

A person should be disciplined enough to wake up on time and devote some time to physical activities. The day’s schedule should be in such a way that they get an adequate amount of work, sleep and rest.

* Indulge in healthy eating habits

Everyone loves to indulge in junk food but nobody loves its after-effects on the body. After effects mainly include poor sex life and laziness. To avoid all of it eat healthy food which Is less cholesterol and has an adequate amount of sugar in it. Fruits and green leafy veggies are the best choices to fix the impotence.

* Avoid alcohol and smoking

Such things gradually ruin the body inside out, making the body weak and dull. These two cause problems in ejaculation and produce bad quality semen.

If a person wants to get harder erections, making lifestyle and dietary changes, taking supplements, and trying medications may all help. Communicating with a sexual partner and addressing any psychological and emotional factors can also help.

Let the Pills Rock Your World

Sex-enhancing drugs keep up the erection for a longer period of time. If you’re looking for how to get hard instantly then these pills are a suitable option. 200mg sildenafil and Cialis are well-known sex-correcting medicines that not only activate the penis instantly but also help to maintain a strong erection. It’s strictly advised to have these after the doctor’s consultation.

Viagra wears within 4 to 6 hours whereas Cialis lasts up to 18 hours. Those who are unable to maintain erection and ejaculate can have appropriate consumption of cialis 40 mg as it naturally improves the condition thereby improving blood circulation and making a person capable of having a normal sex life without depending on such pills.

Effective pills for better Erection

Now a day’s doctors recommend generic pills, they are made with an active ingredient of Cialis is Tadalafil and in Viagra it’s Sildenafil. It is discovered by many experts that generic pills are a better substitute as these pills work faster and better.


Generally, They are the major contributors to enhancing blood circulation in the body. An individual might have the option to get more diligently erections by making specific dietary and way of life changes, as well as having open discussions with their sexual accomplice.

Taking specific drugs or enhancements may likewise help. If a person is experiencing persistent erectile problems, they can converse with a specialist to determine the cause.


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