How Long Does Viagra Take to Work?

How Long Does Viagra Take to Work
It happens only after knowing how a Viagra 50 mg or a Viagra 100 mg basically works that we come to this question. And by this time one has already understood in proper terms what Sildenafil citrate does — its job being to elevate the level of blood flow, so as to help against erectile dysfunction. So, only what remains is this: how long does it take for Viagra to work and how long does it last?To begin with, Viagra is a highly efficient drug for treating the problems that every man faces over time regarding his masculinity. It is taken to attain a proper erection for a required amount of time that is enough for someone to make love with their partner. Each dose of the drug is also known to decrease the rate and chances of premature ejaculation.

How Does it Work?

How Viagra work depends on certain factors. One of which being how a man’s body responds to the drug and another being the half life of the Sildenafil compound it is made up of: which is the time in which half of the drug gets released from our body, as an excretory waste — through sweat or otherwise.Certain high doses of Viagra like Viagra 200 mg have been known to cause side-effects in some people and so it is deemed necessary to check with one’s doctor for a prescribed dose. The effect of any such dose has been observed as lasting for about six hours or even about twenty four hours, depending on the strength of the dose and what time it takes for our systems to get rid of them entirely.The activity of the drug, however, has been known to begin in about half an hour after the ‘little blue pill’ is taken despite any dose that it be.Which is also why it is suggested that to enjoy the benefits of Viagra one should take a pill at least around an hour or a half before they make love. Also, because the effect lasts around six hours on an average, it is suggested that one have sex only in this duration to avoid facing erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.How Long Does Viagra Take to Work

What When it Wears Off?

One should have sex only during the five or six hours when the drug is readily effective. This is because once the effects of Viagra wear off, like with many other medications, one may have to suffer again the weaknesses unless another dose is administered. You are, however, strongly advised against taking more doses of Viagra 100 mg or even that of Viagra 50 mg than prescribed because of the underlying side effects.An ignorant abuse of Sildenafil citrate might lead to one having to, in less serious cases, suffer from:
  • Warmth and/or redness on the neck, or the chest, or in the face
  • Stuffy nose,
  • Headaches,
  • Stomach pain,
  • Upset stomach,
  • Nausea,
  • Diarrhoea,
  • Memory problems,
  • Back pain,
  • An inability to differentiate between the colors blue and green (a temporary colour blindness),
  • Loss of hearing,
  • Ringing in the ears, and
In more severe cases on the other hand, men may also have to experience lesser heard of ailments, such as any of these:
  • Painful erection or one that lasts longer than 4 hours (priapism): If you have an erection that lasts more than 4 (or five) hours, and with some unusual pain, get medical help right away. If it is not treated quite on time, priapism, which is the persistent and painful erection of a man’s penis, can permanently damage your penis;
  • Ringing in the ears, or sudden hearing loss;
  • Irregular heartbeat; or
  • Seizures (convulsions); among other things.
But then these are rare conditions, existing yet only because many men don’t entirely follow. Although, if you follow what’s prescribed by your doctors, attaining and maintaining erections shouldn’t be as hard as those without the little blue pills are.As an alternative, however, on the other hand, is an option of having a daily (routine) dose of Viagra, which guarantees ‘unstoppable’ erection on stimulation throughout the day — anytime, anywhere you are.

Other Factors that Affect the Working of Viagra

Now, while we know that the efficiency of Viagra (Sildenafil citrate) depends on the dosage we ‘gulp’ down, there’re also several other factors, such as:
  • Age: because there is an observable decrement in the rate of our metabolic activities as we age, the time it takes for Viagra to leave our body increases. As does the time for Sildenafil to begin to work.
  • Diet: a high-fat diet or a large meal can work in the same way as ‘ageing’ does — considerably slowing our metabolism, and thus making Viagra to begin (and work till) late. Alcohol, however, on the other hand, can decrease the flow of blood to one’s penis, making a dose less effective and short-timed.
  • Medications: some medicines that people sometimes opt for without a prescription, like ‘erythromycin’ and ‘ciprofloxacin’ can affect how the ‘little blue pill’ affects us.
  • Physical well-being: certain existing chronic and/or acute conditions also make changes to how a particular drug works in our body. Viagra can be made less effective and lesser lasting in presence of Diabetes, for example, or multiple sclerosis (MS) and atherosclerosis (a heart condition comprising of building up of fat in our blood vessels). Some kidney conditions, on the other hand, might make the drug last longer because of hindrance in it release from the body according to an expected time frame.
  • Psychological health: The response of your body to sexual stimulation can also be influenced by how you feel before or during sex? Anxiety, nervousness, depression, or stress, each of these can lead you to a wrong track. Also, if you don’t feel comfortable and relaxed during your time between the sheets; or if several of your past experiences of sex make you anxious about your performance, Viagra might not really help. In such cases, Sildenafil does not tend to help last longer or be effective.

How Long Does Viagra WorkNow We Know!

So, now that we know what Viagra is and how (and for how long) it really works, there’re only a few points we need to keep in our heads. For example, the perfect time to take the ‘little blue pill’ is anywhere between a half hour or four hours before sex. Another could be to eat and drink easy before sex. And to stay calm.Apart from all of this, however, following the instructions of the doctor that prescribes the drug is the paramount.